Ellie Photo

Wedding Photography Checklist: 5 Must Capture Shots

Besides the rings and vows, there are no better reminders of wedding memories than photos. The best wedding moments are captured in lenses. But wait, isn’t every part of the wedding ceremony important? Well, that might be true, but not everything can be captured by the camera. While there is no limit to the number of special moments you can capture, it is a crime missing certain shots. They must be taken for every wedding. For a starting photographer, the list below will prove invaluable.

wedding photography (5)
wedding photography (5)

The Preparation Shot

The wedding isn’t all about the exchange of vows. Everyone expects that so it isn’t that exciting. Everyone wants to have an idea of behind the scenes shots. Apparently, there is no better place to find that than the preparation moment. You need to capture the bride getting ready, taking cute shots of all are accessories. The other person can as well handle shots of the bridegroom getting ready for his big day. Such photos provide great insight for both the bride and groom. They will get to learn what happened on the other side while preparing to tie the knot.

The Bride and her Bridesmaids

Everyone would want to have a look at the bride and her entourage after the wedding. How will this possible if you didn’t capture all that in lenses? You can make such shots glamorous and humorous. The trick is in doing the shots without them appearing so posed. A great idea you can consider is that of the bride and her maids standing in a row as if posing for a photo. Tell them to walk towards you chatting as if chatting and not necessarily focusing on the camera. Try this until you capture the best shots.

Down the isle

You do not want to miss this, trust me. Capture the bride walking down the aisle in the blinding mid-day light. Stand at the end of the aisle as the bride walks towards the groom. It is one of those moments that go too quickly and cannot be redone. To take the best shots, you need to prepare beforehand unless you want to miss something big.

‘Kiss the bride’

While people are preparing to make the loudest sounds and the groom getting ready to display public affection, your hands should be on the shutter, waiting to take the golden shot. As many people would blatantly admit, it is the most cherished shot of the day; one that you cannot miss taking for any reason. What makes this interesting is that you only four seconds or less to do the magic. At this point, you need to have the lights figured out and the back-up gear in check.

Couple shots

After exchanging the vows, it is necessary separating the man and woman of the day and taking the best shots you can manage. Take advantage of these moments, when they are still radiating love, full of raw emotions. Guide them through natural poses and let the evident chemistry between them inspire the rest of the shots! Everyone will want to take a glimpse of these photos! Check details at: elliephoto.com/gallery/wedding

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wedding photography (9)